
The Complete Story of umm salama wife of prophet Mohammed

umm salama wife of prophet

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umm salama wife of prophet Mohammed, whose full name is Hind bint Abi Umayyah, was one of the beloved wives of the Prophet. Known as a “Mother of the Believers,” her life is a shining example of patience, strength, and dedication to Islam. This article delves into her story, highlighting her journey of faith and the profound lessons she offers to Muslims worldwide.

Umm Salamah Story

Born into the noble Quraysh tribe, Umm Salamah initially married Abu Salamah, a devoted follower of Islam. Together, they faced numerous trials, including their forced migration to Abyssinia to escape the harsh persecution in Makkah. Later, they returned to Makkah and soon migrated to Madinah as part of the Prophet’s followers. However, their migration was marked by hardship, her family forcibly separated her from her husband and young son. For nearly a year, Umm Salamah was left alone until her family finally allowed her to reunite with her husband in Madinah. This period of suffering showcases her steadfastness, a trait that defined her life.

Umm Salamah and Abu Salamah

The love between Umm Salamah and Abu Salamah was built on mutual respect and devotion to Islam. Their unity was deeply rooted in their faith, and they persevered through numerous trials together. When Abu Salamah was gravely injured in the Battle of Uhud, Umm Salamah cared for him until he passed away. In her grief, she recited a powerful dua that the Prophet (pbuh) had taught her

Despite her sorrow, she trusted in Allah’s wisdom. Her dua was answered in a remarkable way when the Prophet (pbuh) himself proposed marriage to her, thus honoring her loyalty and patience.

Dua of Umm Salamah

Dua of Umm Salamah

The dua of Umm Salamah recited in her time of loss is widely known and continues to be a source of comfort for Muslims today. The Prophet taught her to say:

“اللهم أجرني في مصيبتي واخلف لي خيرًا منها”
“O Allah, reward me for my affliction and replace it with something better.”
(Riyad as-Salihin, Book 7, Hadith 921)

Umm Salamah’s faith in Allah’s wisdom reminds Muslims to turn to Him with hope and patience during hardships, trusting that He will replace their trials with blessings beyond their expectations.

Prophet Muhammad and Umm Salamah


After her marriage to the Prophet, Umm Salamah became a trusted advisor and beloved member of his household. Her intelligence and insight were valued greatly by the Prophet (pbuh).

One notable example of her wisdom was during the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. When the Prophet’s companions hesitated to complete their rituals, Umm Salamah advised him to lead by example, which helped calm his companions and enabled them to follow his lead. Her counsel during this event underscores the value of women’s perspectives in the early Muslim community and the Prophet’s respect for his wives.

How Long Was Umm Salamah Married to the Prophet ?

Umm Salamah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were married for about seven years, from 4 AH to the Prophet’s passing in 11 AH. During this time, Umm Salamah continued to influence the early Muslim community through her wisdom and teachings. She narrated numerous hadiths and served as a guide and role model for many, particularly after the Prophet’s death. Her continued contribution exemplifies the dignified role women held in early Islamic society.


Umm Salamah’s life reflects the virtues of patience, trust in Allah, and dedication to Islam. As a trusted wife of the Prophet and a respected figure in the early Muslim community, she demonstrated the enduring impact women have within the Islamic tradition. Her story serves as an inspiration for Muslims to embody perseverance and faith in their lives.

For a deeper understanding of the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings and the lives of his companions, consider enrolling in RAHIQ Academy’s Seerah courses. These courses offer valuable insights into Islamic history, allowing you to connect with the lessons of the past.

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