Quran Tajweed Course

Explore The­ Beauty Of The Quran Through Our Tajwee­d Training.

Undertake a transformative odyssey with Rahiq Academy’s Quran Tajweed Course, meticulously designed to foster mastery and a profound spiritual bond with the sacred verses of the Holy Quran. This comprehensive curriculum, spanning four progressive phases, guides learners from mastering the fundamental Arabic alphabets to the intricate application of Tajweed rules. Through this immersive program, students develop essential skills in pronunciation, listening, and writing, enhancing their ability to recite the Quran with Tajweed and cultivating a deep understanding of its divine text.

Detailed Description of Course Phases

Rahiq Academy’s Quran Tajweed Course: A Pathway to Quranic Excellence

At Rahiq Academy, we invite you to embark on a profound and enlightening journey through our Quran Tajweed Course. This meticulously crafted program is designed to instill the revered art of Quranic recitation and a deep reverence for the divine words. Spanning four progressive phases, this course guides students through a comprehensive curriculum that seamlessly blends theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring a holistic understanding and mastery of Tajweed principles.

Initial Exploration in Quranic Recitation:

Begin your spiritual quest by laying a strong foundation with the fundamental Arabic alphabets of the Quran. Under the expert guidance of our esteemed instructors, you will refine your pronunciation, elevate your listening and writing abilities, and decipher words and sentences from the sacred text. This phase establishes a robust foundation for your journey towards proficient Quran recitation with Tajweed.

Fundamental Mastery in Tajweed:

Venturing deeper into the realm of Tajweed, you will immerse yourself in the intricate world of Arabic letters. This phase reinforces your reading and listening competencies, paving the way for a profound interaction with Quranic words. Through expert-led sessions, you will grasp the nuances of the Ottoman script and essential Tajweed rules, targeting an impressive 85%+ accuracy in Quran recitation.

Intermediate Tajweed Methods:

At this juncture, you will focus on the subtle articulations of letters, phonetic nuances, and the elegance of pauses in recitation. The captivating Hafs from Asim’s distinct recitation style is introduced, ensuring a deeper mastery of specific Tajweed rules. This phase equips you with the skills to navigate the complexities of Quranic recitation with precision and grace.

Mastery in Tajweed Implementation:

Concluding the course, you will demonstrate your refined recitation skills by delving deep into verse analysis, extracting and internalizing nuanced Tajweed rules. Through this culminating phase, you will ensure that your recitation captures the essence of the Quran with utmost precision and reverence, allowing each verse to deeply resonate within your heart and soul.

Embark on this enlightening journey with Rahiq Academy and resonate with the Quran’s timeless beauty through our carefully crafted phases. Master the revered art of Quran recitation and Tajweed with us, and let the divine words guide you on a path of spiritual enlightenment.

Prerequisites for Enrollment

Rahiq Academy’s Tajweed Course Requisites:

At Rahiq Academy, we discern that each learner embarks on their Quran recitation and Tajweed odyssey with unique backgrounds and proficiency echelons. To guarantee a seamless and enriching learning sojourn, we have tailored the prerequisites for each phase of our Tajweed course predicated on age and Arabic language adeptness. Here’s a detailed dissection of the requisites for each stratum:

Initial Exploration in Quranic Recitation:

  • Students from age 4 years old are eligible for stage.
  • Compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with webcam and microphone is necessary for online learning.
  • Stable internet connection with adequate bandwidth for video streaming and live sessions is required.

Fundamental Mastery in Tajweed:

  • Students from age 8 years old are eligible for this stage.
  • Necessitates initial training in Quranic lexemes to enhance Quran recitation adroitness.
  • Compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with webcam and microphone is necessary for online learning.
  • Stable internet connection with adequate bandwidth for video streaming and live sessions is required.

Intermediate Tajweed Methods:

  • Students from age 10 years old are eligible for this stage
  • Must be capable of perusing directly from the Quran.
  • Compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with webcam and microphone is necessary for online learning.
  • Stable internet connection with adequate bandwidth for video streaming and live sessions is required.

Mastery in Tajweed Implementation:

  • Students from age 12 years old are eligible for this stage.
  • Should possess a sound comprehension of essential Tajweed ordinances.
  • Necessitates intensive study focusing on letter characteristics, articulation points, relationships between letters, and mastery of the rules of stopping and initiating in Quran recitation.
  • Compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with webcam and microphone is necessary for online learning.
  • Stable internet connection with adequate bandwidth for video streaming and live sessions is required.

At Rahiq Academy, we endeavor to provide a personalized and nurturing learning environment, ensuring that each student receives the guidance and support they need to excel in their Quran recitation and Tajweed odyssey.

Course Stages Breakdown 3 Stages

The first stage: 

Initial Exploration in Quranic Recitation:

The duration for completing this stage depends on the student’s comprehension level as well as the number of hours studied. However, it can be said to range  48 hours.

Duration: 48 Hours Levels: 3

By splitting it into 3 levels, the progression is:

  1. Arabic alphabet and basic vocabulary
  2. Memorization of short surahs and Quranic reading
  3. Simple sentence formation and reinforcing Quranic connection

Level 1: Arabic Letters and Basic Vocabulary

    • Learn the names and sounds of Arabic letters
    • Expand vocabulary to around 85 common words
    • Practice reading and writing in Arabic script

Level 2: Memorization and Reading

  • Memorize Al-Fatiha and selected short surahs
  • Develop reading skills directly from the Quran
  • Expand vocabulary to around 180 more words (total 265)

Level 3: Basic Sentences and Quranic Connection

  • Learn to construct basic Arabic sentences
  • Consistently practice reciting memorized verses
  • Further reading comprehension of Quranic texts

The second stage: 

Foundational Mastery in Tajweed:

Duration: 49 Hours Levels: 3

In this phase, you will embark on a comprehensive exploration of Tajweed principles, laying the groundwork for proficient Quran recitation. By the end of this level, you will have learned:

  • Letter sounds and their accurate pronunciation.
  • Reading words, sentences, and verses from any part of the Quran with ease.
  • Understanding the characteristics of Quranic writing, enhancing your appreciation for the sacred text.
  • Distinguishing correct pronunciation from incorrect pronunciation, ensuring adherence to Tajweed rules.

Level 1: Letter Sounds and Rules

  • Study vowel signs, elongations, sukun, shadda
  • Rules of lam shamsiyyah and lam qamariyyah
  • Examine each letter and initial recitation rules
  • Practice reading over 5,000 Quranic words

Level 2: Quranic Calligraphy and Fluency

  • Understand characteristics of Quranic writing
  • Deeper study of Tajweed rules
  • Practice for fluency in recitation
  • Theoretical and practical exercises

Level 3: Refining Tajweed Application

  • Revisit and solidify selected rules
  • Nun sakina, tanween, mim sakina rules
  • Elongations, emphasis, softening, vibration
  • Pause rules and Quranic symbols

The Third Stage:

Intermediate Tajweed Techniques: Hafs ‘an ‘Asim Recitation

Duration: 87 Hours Levels: 3

In this phase, you will delve deeper into the intricate aspects of Tajweed, mastering the art of precise articulation and developing a profound understanding of the Hafs ‘an ‘Asim recitation style. By the end of this level, you will have:

  • Initially understood the articulation points and attributes of letters, essential for accurate Quranic recitation.
  • Additionally grasped the phonological relationships between letters, enhancing your recitation skills.
  • Moreover, mastered the art of pausing and restarting, adding depth and reverence to your recitation.
  • And finally, become acquainted with the characteristics of the Hafs ‘an ‘Asim recitation, a revered tradition within the Islamic world.

Level 1: Articulation Points

  • Precise letter articulation points
  • Visual explanations of sound origins
  • Classification of articulation point names

Level 2: Attributes of Sounds

  • Unique attributes of each Quranic sound
  • Inherent sound characteristics and variations
  • Auditory exercises, drills, practical tasks

Level 3: Advanced Relationships and Recitation

  • Complex sound relationships
  • Pausing and restarting rules
  • Specific Hafs ‘an ‘Asim Tajweed rules

The Fourth Stage:

Excellence in Tajweed Application

Duration: 65 Hours Levels: 3

In this culminating phase, you will demonstrate your mastery of Tajweed principles through practical application and analysis of Quranic verses. By the end of this level, you will have:

  • Recited the entire Holy Quran while applying the theoretical rules learned, solidifying your understanding and recitation skills.
  • Managed to analyze the verses and extract all the recitation rules with theoretical explanation and practical application, showcasing your proficiency.
  • Distinguished between correct and incorrect pronunciation, ensuring adherence to Tajweed principles.
  • Become capable of teaching others the rules of recitation, sharing your knowledge and expertise.

Level 1: Practical Application

  • Apply theoretical rules to Quranic verses
  • Practice reciting an entire juz with Tajweed
  • Develop eloquent tarteel (recitation)

Level 2: Full Quran Recitation

  • Recite full Quran applying Tajweed rules
  • Reinforce understanding through practice

Level 3: Mastery and Quran Ijazah

  • Comprehensive khatmah with all Tajweed rules
  • Preparation for Quran Ijazah certification
  • Virtual meetings with authorities

In conclusion, at Rahiq Academy, we offer free Quran Tajweed classes led by highly qualified male and female teachers who have studied at Al-Azhar University and hold ijazahs (certifications) in Quran recitation. Our dedicated instructors will guide you through mastering the rules of Tajweed, ensuring you develop the skills to recite the Holy Quran with utmost precision and reverence.