
Discover 5 Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr

Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr

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Surah Yaseen can also be named the “heart of Quran” , This Surah holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims due to its high spiritual significance and the multiple blessings associated with its recitation.
Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr is considered a particularly beneficial practice, and also it brought to attention the most critical aspects of Islamic creed as the Oneness of Allah, the mission of the Prophets, and the inevitability of the Day of Judgment. Its rhyming and captivating verses make it one of the oft-recited chapters

5 Benefits of Reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr

Most Muslims recite Surah Yaseen after Fajr prayer because such a great number of spiritual and religious benefits and blessings are associated with it. Some of the major benefits of reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr discussed below.

1-Spiritual Upliftment and Closeness to Allah

This Surah Yaseen recitation at such serene hours of the morning does bring about an increase in spiritual rapport between Allah and a Muslim. In these early hours of morning, outside when tranquility prevails, ambiance inside becomes reflectedly calm where the believer can internalize deeply the divine message and thus be able to face each day confidently with peace of mind.

2-Seek Repentence and Mercy

What does surah Yaseen talk about?

Such benefits of reading Surah Yaseen in relation to Allah’s forgiveness and mercy were given out under the tongue of Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. He said the following:

“مَنْ قَرَأَ يس فِي لَيْلَةٍ ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ اللَّهِ غُفِرَ لَهُ”

Whosoever recites Yaseen at night seeking Allah’s pleasure, his sins will be forgiven.

(Reported by Ibn Hibban)

3-Daylong Protection and Blessings

It is believed that Surah Yaseen recited immediately after Fajr prayer saves one from all harm and blesses the person throughout the day. These verses in it are believed to be the spiritual armor by which the believer in this world is instructed and defended against trials and adversities.

4-Granting Needs and Wishes

Although the dispensation of needs with Allah is in His Own hands, most of the believers surely believe that a person will be able to overcome difficulties and fulfill one’s own rightful desires by reciting Surah Yaseen with a very sincere supplication. This surah attracts divine help and succor due to its spiritual benefits.

5-Mental Clarity and Peace

It was also narrated that the one who starts his day with Surah Yaseen will reach mental clarity and peace of mind, and he would consequently be relieved from anxiety and tension. All this will put a believer in a position where he can face the day-to-day tasks with a sober and focused mind.

What does Surah Yaseen Talk About?

Surah Yaseen has discussed various major themes around which the Islamic belief system revolves, reminding the readers of the basic beliefs a Muslim should bear in their hearts.

  • Affirmation of the Quran and Prophethood

The Surah opens with the scattered letters “يس” Ya Seen, then comes an oath upon the source of the Quran, and an affirmation of Muhammad peace be upon him being among the true messengers:

“يس۝ وَالْقُرْآنِ الْحَكِيمِ۝ إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ۝ عَلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ۔”

Translation: “Ya, Seen. By the wise Quran. Indeed, you, [O Muhammad], are from among the messengers, upon a straight path”

(Yaseen: 36:1-4)

This introduction gives authenticity to the Quran and further brings into view the importance of adherence to its guidance.

  • Story of Messengers

Surah mentioned the story of three messengers who were sent to a town whose people rejected the message the messengers came with. The messengers appealed sincerely for such a people to be guided, but the townspeople refused and kept on in their disbelief. That is a stern warning of the penalty that awaits those who refuse divine guidance and those who bring such guidance.

  • The Signs of Allah’s Existence and Power

Surah Yaseen points to all of those signs in the natural world, calling one towards reflection over them for clear evidence of Allah’s power and wisdom

“سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ۔”

Translation: “Exalted is He who created all pairs – from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.”

(Surah Yaseen, 36:36)

These verses pointed out the creative power of Allah and reminded readers to look for signs of Allah everywhere in their surroundings.

  • Day of Judgment

Yaseen discusses what happens on the Day of Judgment: resurrection and weighing of each and every soul.  It reminds believers that everything, even the tiniest action, has a weight for judgment.

“.وَنُفِخَ فِي الصُّورِ فَإِذَا هُم مِّنَ الْأَجْدَاثِ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ يَنسِلُون.”

And the Trumpet shall be blown; and behold, from the graves unto their Lord they will go in throngs.

(Yaseen, 36:51)

The above reminder instills a sense of responsibility and urgency in regard to preparation for the Hereafter.

  • Greatest Reward and Punishment

And the Surah concludes by drawing a contrast between the eternal reward awaiting the righteous and the punishment awaiting the disbelievers, depicting the people of Paradise amused in joy and contentment:

“إِنَّ أَصْحَابَ الْجَنَّةِ الْيَوْمَ فِي شُغُلٍ فَاكِهُونَ.”

Translation: “Indeed, the companions of Paradise, that Day, will be amused in [joyful] occupation.”

Surah Yaseen, 36:55

This contrastingly urges the believers to be righteous and steadfast about their faith.

What is the Message of Surah Yassen?

Surah Yaseen inculcates a number of messages that are quintessential to Islamic teachings. These will be discussed as follows:

  • Affirmation of Tawheed

The Surah invites the people to believe in the absolute Oneness of Allah, worship none except Him alone, and associating no partners with Him. It reaffirms the fact that He alone is the creator, sustainer, and ruler of the universe.

  • Reality of the Hereafter

Surah Yaseen reminds the believers of the Day of Judgment and resurrection that is sure to take place. As a matter of fact, it is a warning to those people who disbelieve in life after death and advise believers to lead a righteous life here in this world so that they achieve a good life in the Hereafter.

  • Role and Mission of the Prophets

Here, in this Surah, the importance of following the guidance by the prophets is underlined, as well as their role in bringing the message from Allah is recognized. In it are the consequences of denial of the prophets and the message-a warning to divert from Divine guidance.

  • Invitation to Consider the Signs of Allah in Creation

It calls upon believers to ponder on the signs of Allah within nature. The Surah invites people by using their intellect and pondering over the miraculous nature of creation, testifying to the existence and power of Allah.

  • Consequences of Belief and Disbelief

Surah Yaseen explains the rewards for the believers who follow the right path and pathetic consequences awaiting the disbelievers. This is an encouragement or warning to all so that they may come toward the path of righteousness and faith.

Surah Yaseen English Translation

Surah Yaseen English Translation

Surah Yaseen has been translated into the English language so that non-Arab readers can also attain the deep message of this Surah. Some of the key verses in Surah Yaseen English Translation as follows

  • Starting of the Surah

“Ya, Seen. By the wise Quran. Indeed, you, [O Muhammad], are from among the messengers, on a straight path.”

(Surat Yaseen 36:1-4)

  • Signs of Allah’s Power

“Exalted is He who created all pairs – from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.”

Surah Yaseen, 36:36

  • Resurrection and Judgment

“And the Trumpet will be blown, and behold, from the graves they will come out hastening before their Lord.”


  • Reward for the Righteous

” Certainly, the inmates of the Garden (will be) engaged on that Day in a variety of amusements/joystick”.

Yaseen-36: 55


Surah Yaseen represented those imperative messages of the Quran that put demands on the believers concerning the recognition of the Oneness of Allah, the reality of the Hereafter, and adherence to guidance by the prophets and also benefits of reading Surah Yaseen after Fajr are really beneficial practice.

RAHIQ Academy offers all types of courses according to your Quranic needs for those who want to deepen their understanding and connection with the Quran.

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